
This is the arm that is responsible for taking the gospel to the unreached places and people. In Nigeria alone, there are many peoples groups yet to be reached with the gospel. Majority of them are found in the riverine, border line and mountainous areas. They have been somehow neglected because of their geographical location disadvantages. This has made it difficult for conventional evangelism to get to them. It will take frontier evangelistic effort to reach them. This is what we are out to do because of our belief in the composition of the church to be of “every kindred, and tongues and people and nations”. Churches that we plant are not given the ministry’s name to avoid creating any denominational barrier which such could bring. We would want the churches to be open to ministries from the entire body of Christ – Church, for their spiritual and physical well-being. This could, however be hindered or curtailed if the churches are named after any denomination. Therefore, the churches are allowed to function in a New Testament Church pattern with local leadership formation. But we do not fail to afford them the necessary fatherly care till they come of age.

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